Monday, January 08, 2007

Finals Week.

Yep. It's finally here.

I'm pretty relaxed, as usual, and enjoying watching everyone else flip out. XD

I'm working on my photography presentation right now, on Lee Friedlander, and I found a few quotes I wanted to save and share.

"I didn't choose photography; it chose me. I didn't know it at the time. An artist doesn't think first then do it, he is driven."
--Ilse Bing

"Everything around us, dead or alive, in the eyes of a crazy photographer mysteriously takes on many variations, so that a seemingly dead object comes to life through light or by its surrounding. And if the photographer has a bit of sense in his head maybe he is able to capture some of this – and I suppose that's lyricism."
--Josef Sudek

"I always wanted to be a photographer. I was fascinated with the materials. But I never dreamed I would be having this much fun. I imagined something much less elusive, much more mundane."
--Lee Friedlander


Anonymous said...

i think that photography came to me because i never thought back when freshmen year started that it would become an hobby, but to say that photography is an hobby, for me, seems underrated.

SardonicHistrionic said...

You're right. It's more of a lifestyle.